Your Hallmark account is a Microsoft Office 365 account, which grants you access to the full Office software suite both online and as a full install for up to 5 of your personal computers.
You can install Office 365 on Windows or Mac computers.
To download Office onto your personal computer:
Go to the home page and make sure you are signed in with your Hallmark University account.
At the Office 365 dashboard, in the top-right corner, click Install Office, and then select Office 365 apps.
The installer for Office will begin to download. Look at the area of your web browser where the active downloads usually appear.
If you are using Google Chrome, your downloads appear in a toolbar on the bottom of the browser window.
Once the download is complete, open and run the downloaded installer file to install the Office software suite on your PC or Mac.
If you are asked to activate Office, use your Hallmark e-mail address and password.